Friday, August 20, 2010

Coninued Kitty Adventures

Sinji came in this am a bit straggly, so I asked him,
'Kitty cat, kitty cat where have you been?'
'I've been exploring the Klingon Home World.'
'Kitty cat, kitty cat what did you there?'
'Worf was so enamored he wanted to keep me. I used Auntie Deb's BatLeth. He's quite likeable so I only wounded him. It was imperative he know that no one owns cats. Besides, he wouldn't have a made as good a catslave as mama.

Fergus came in this morning looking, er, well, high. So I asked him,
'Kitty cat, kitty cat where have you been?'
'"I've been sittin' downtown in a railway station."'
'Kitty cat, kitty cat what did you there?'
'"I was was one toke over the line . . . "'

Sinji toddled in this morning with decidely red eyes, so I asked him,
'Kitty cat, kitty cat where have you been?'
'I went with Henry to Aculpulco.'
'Kitty cat, kitty cat what did you there?'
'To see the man who has it growing from the ground, to tast it, and get wasted. I couldn't even see!

*Henry lyrics

1 comment:

brian said...

what a pretty kitty!!